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In response to requests from purchasers of The Google Legacy, a CD-ROM containing patents believed to be assigned to Google is now available.

The CD-ROM contains a series of links to each of the more than 120 PDF documents. In addition to the patents, the CD-ROM contains an index to each patent. The index provides the patent number, the title of the patent, and the first sentence from each patent’s abstract.

A single CD-ROM costs $50. A handling fee of $5.00 is added to each order. Delivery is via traditional mail. The postage for a CD-ROM delivered in the continental United States, Hawaii, and Alaska is $3.00. Postage to any other location is $7.00.

To order securely from within the United States:

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Payment is via PayPal only. You do not need a PayPal account to pay for this compilation. Please, allow three to seven days for delivery.

View the Google Patent Collection on-line

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