Web Work
AIT does not specialize in the design and construction of Web sites. Out focus is on solving our clients’ problems. Since our 1994 study Internet 2000: The Path to the Total Network, we have been involved in many Web-centric projects. Some of these have been transformed, sold, resold, and reshaped, but the essence of our impact persists. Here are some links that illustrate this aspect of our work:
A Handful of Web Sites
Mr. Arnold provided information about
staffing, work tasks, security, and privacy at the outset
of this project. He provided technical review services
to a subcontractor after the project had been approved.
Mr. Arnold, supported by a team of professionals who work closely with Arnold Information Technology
did the preliminary design and initial build of this online service. The system features Intranet,
public, and electronic commerce services running on a Unix platform.
Prompt Software.
Mr. Arnold and his team provided information to assist with the development of the business plan, as well as the technical
review of the Prompt System. Prompt technology was developed by Seymour Rubenstein, who also developed WordStar, the first Word Processor.
Point (Top 5% of the Internet.)
1995, Chris Kitze and the AIT team collaborated to create the first Internet site to rate
sites and provide a promotional backlink to drive traffic to the Point site and the sites of Web masters with exceptional
work. The site’s traffic surged to more than 250,000 unique “clicks”
a day. In late 1995, The Point was acquired by Lycos, where it continued to attract millions of Internet users each year.
The Auto Channel.
A consumer-oriented Web experience devoted to all things automotive. Originally sponsored by Penzoil, the
Auto Channel has a number of major automotive sponsors, live video broadcasts of selected races, special sections for women.
US West Yellow Pages.
One of the more challenging projects for the AIT team was working
through the technical, financial, and personnel issues for one
of the largest Yellow Pages projects in the Regional Bell Operating
Companies. Creating a dynamic Web site was only a small fraction
of 1,000,000 plus entries and associated graphics. Fitting a
suite of work flow processes into a well-oiled business operation
tested the AIT team’s expertise in planning, analysis, finance,
and a complex work force with a blend of professional, management,
union, and contract workers.
InGenius Technologies.
The AIT team has made use of powerful software scripts that can perform a wide range of competitive intelligence,
research, and tactical information gathering processes. One of the most powerful tools developed for Internet research are the
Change Monitoring Agents available
for public testing at the InGenius Web site. Test these powerful tools today. If you want
to use these agents for commercial applications, contact either InGenius or send electronic mail directly to the AIT team. These
agents have been used for patent, military, police, and general intelligence applications.
Manning & Napier Advisors.
Profiled in Forbes Magazine as a peer of George Soros, the founder of this successful investment
bank called upon AIT to assist with the development of the company’s advanced technology and
its information-centric Web sites. Much of the technology showcased on this site represents the
state-of-the-art in natural language search and retrieval, intelligent document analysis, and data
visualization of
such complex document domains as patents from the United States Patent Office, the European
Patent Office, and the Japan Patent Office. There are multiple sites accessible from this initial link. Follow them from the
home page, or jump directly to the Advisors’ site, the Information and Consulting Services site, or the Textwise site. You will
find links to demonstrations of DR-LINK
(an advanced natural language
toolkit) and a visual tool called MAPIT,
which is a powerful text analytics and visualizer for the full text of worldwide patents. There is a
newsletter (IP Frontline) designed for the patent
practitioner and those who are engaged in any aspect of the patenting process in the
United States, Europe, or Japan.
We have some other tricks up our sleeve. To learn more about our Web technologies, site design, dynamic database, visualization, and numerical and textual analytics, please contact us.
Contact Information
For information and prices:
Stephen E. Arnold
Postal Box 320
Harrod’s Creek, Kentucky 40027, USA
Voice: (502) 228-1966
Facsimile: (502) 228-0548
Electronic mail: sa@arnoldit.com