Searching for Spy Recruits

May 19, 2009

I can’t quote from this news report. You will have to click here and read the Associated Press story “Israeli intelligence Issues Facebook Warning.” The AP stringer Ian Deitch reported that intel pros in Israel believe that bad guys from Al-Qaida are using to recruit helpers. Why search the old fashioned way by asking people and hanging out in certain restaurants? Use Facebook’s zippy new features to round up potential operatives. Social search has a fresh use case. Is this true? Not for me to say.

Stephen Arnold, May 19, 2009


4 Responses to “Searching for Spy Recruits”

  1. Leroy Walker on May 19th, 2009 7:23 am

    “bad guys from Al-Qaida” LOL!

    And Israel is innocent?

    Before Israel existed, the USA didn’t have any enemies in the Middle East.

    Something to think about.

  2. sperky undernet on May 19th, 2009 2:34 pm

    “Social” is fluxy. To my knowledge, the only place digital intention is criminal – at least in the UK – is in the case of pedofiles. Practitioners of cybersex, for instance, are in a gray and marginal area – until minors or professionals posing as minors are harassed. I suspect the direction with potential spy recruiters and suspected others will be counter attempts at identification and intelligence. Looking at a description of a new book by Sherry Turkle, Simulation and its Discontents, something about simulations produces anxiety that important pieces are missing. What is missing from the real world that makes a difference and what is virtual that adds to the real may be touched upon in Turkle’s book. How it may relate to this discussion is an open question. I could definately see the statement “Before Israel existed, the USA didn’t have any enemies in the Middle East” in a mediocre critically unexamined school “history” textbook. Maybe “Leroy Walker” and his ideas should be factored in – is he or she on the way towards radicalization? Is this a future potential victim for recruitment or is this the mind frame of a potential recruiter? Who knows? More about Simulation and its Discontents here –

  3. Stephen E. Arnold on May 20th, 2009 3:18 pm

    Leroy Walker,

    Keep in mind that this Web log consists of pointing to articles I find interesting or suggestive and making a comment. I don’t take sides. When I have an opinion I state it.

    Stephen Arnold, May 20, 2009

  4. rootkit on June 15th, 2009 2:14 pm

    i have been thinking about all your statements…
    i have also been reading about the history of the existence of the isralies in the world..
    to sum it all up they have brought corruption all around.
    lets think about the nazi…
    have you ever thought why they were killing the jews??
    in this world, where ever a great problem occurs..if search thoroughly, you would find a connection with israel..thinking more, its seems that they are the most radical religion.why am i saying this?well, you should see how they took palestine, just a massacre.innocent children and women killed.if you read the proper history in the islamic world,try and find the way islam took over.they didnt kill innocent people. they actually insisted the other non-islam to live with them, everyday life was just normal.

    i dont take sides either.. 15 june 2009

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