The New IBM and Security Know How

May 23, 2010

Maybe this is a public relations stunt. I remember hearing tales of antivirus companies creating malware to force those infected to purchase special purpose removers. Navigate to “IBM Unleashes Virus on AusCERT Delegates.” The key passage in my opinion was:

“At the AusCERT conference this week, you may have collected a complimentary USB key from the IBM booth,” IBM Australia chief technologist Glenn Wightwick wrote in an email to delegates this afternoon. “Unfortunately we have discovered that some of these USB keys contained malware and we suspect that all USB keys may be affected.”

I know the how. Carelessness. I want to think about the why? With IBM pushing code that is a mix of open source and home grown, what other issues may lurk within the firm’s search, data mining, text processing, and system services software?

Stephen E Arnold, May 23, 2010



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