Can Analytics Turn Drivel into Diamonds?

November 10, 2010

Are Facebook posts drivel or diamonds? Perhaps a better question is, “Can analytics convert drivel into diamonds?” The answer may be, “Yes.”

The Facebook content does not require semantics to squeeze sense out of it. The fact that a person has posted information delivers a signal about content “value.” The article “Drivel on Facebook More Valuable Than We Think” references a Swedish university’s report that calls attention to the importance of the superficial contacts, apparently unnecessary comments, and banal status updates on Facebook.

Regarding the more-than-real pseudo-friends of Facebook, the article says:

These contacts in fact constitute highly useful networks, networks that make use of the ostensibly meaningless comments and updates.

The public value of messages from a semi-private ecosystem is high. Companies and public authorities are not aware of the value of Facebook and other social content, particularly streams of content. Analytic methods, both simple and complex, justifies the cost of running analyses across these data. Who knew that social networking would generate value beyond the satisfaction of communicating with friends and acquaintances. The message is clear, “It’s time to cash on this gold rush.” For more information about text and data mining, navigate to

Harleena Singh, November 10, 2010



One Response to “Can Analytics Turn Drivel into Diamonds?”

  1. Data mining, Text mining and social media analytics « Mixotricha on November 15th, 2010 2:41 pm

    […] Can Analytics Turn Drivel into Diamonds? ( […]

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