Panda and Google Shaping Generation Tools. Yes, Google Tools!

May 2, 2011

Search Engine Journal has posted “Web Content—6 Free Tools to Generate Great Ideas (and all from Google).” With these tools out there, no wonder Google has to deal with content that is not so hot. The article asserted:

Whether you are looking to write pages of content for your website, quick posts for Twitter or an interesting nugget for an email newsletter; sometimes it’s a challenge to come up with a regular source of ideas for content that will entice readers and help your search engine rankings.

We beg to differ—we do it all the time, and it’s not that hard!

However, if you’re looking for a quick fix, check out Google’s own tools for creating baloney. The piece elaborates on each of the six tools, which are:

  1. Google Alerts
  2. Google Reader
  3. Google Suggest
  4. Google AdWords Keyword Tool (The most blatant SEO churner.)
  5. Google Webmaster Tools
  6. Google Analytics

Panda may have its work load increased. One unit of Google helps Web masters generate content. Another part of Google wants that content to fit some poorly explained criteria. Knife edge if you ask me, assuming the source is spot on.

Cynthia Murrell, May 2, 2011



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