Simplified Database Maintenance in SharePoint

January 26, 2012

Database maintenance tasks are a part of general SharePoint infrastructure upkeep and care.  However, as Steve Hord writes, it is not always the easiest task for a SharePoint administrator.  In “Find active databases used by SharePoint Server 2010,” Hord writes the following:

One of the best ways to know what databases your SharePoint deployment uses is to keep a record and add database names each time you create a new database.  This isn’t always easy as there usually isn’t enough extra time during the day to keep records. Plus, more often than not your SharePoint database maintenance tasks tend to occur either late at night or in the pre-dawn hours when no users are accessing the system, so remembering to add a new database name to an ongoing list is really tough.

Hord then goes on to give a few tried and true methods for finding the active databases in the SharePoint installation as well as their properties.  However, some administrators might desire an easier method for database maintenance.  We have found that many third-party solutions offer an ease of maintenance that SharePoint simply cannot supply.

Read about one of our favorite offerings, Fabasoft Mindbreeze, and its Fabasoft Mindbreeze Database Connector solution.

The Database Connector enables the connection of databases to Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise. Furthermore, directory services such as Active Directory can be accessed via LDAP and searched very efficiently via Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise.  The development of the Database Connector is based on the data integration connector, making it easy to connect databases to Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise.

So while there are tips and tricks for almost any SharePoint issue or gripe, there are more and more quality third-party solutions available that replace of enhance SharePoint’s functionality.  Check out the Fabasoft Mindbreeze offerings and see if they can supplement or replace your organization’s current SharePoint infrastructure.

Emily Rae Aldridge, January 26, 2012

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One Response to “Simplified Database Maintenance in SharePoint”

  1. Simplified Database Maintenance in SharePoint : Beyond Search | Mastering Sharepoint on January 26th, 2012 4:09 am

    […] functionality. Check out the Fabasoft Mindbreeze … … See the original post: Simplified Database Maintenance in SharePoint : Beyond Search ← Smartronix & Synteractive Using Microsoft Technologies and SharePoint in the AWS […]

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