What Happens When One NOTs Out Web Sites?

April 30, 2012

We learned about Million Short. The idea is that a user can NOT out a block of Web sites. The use case is that a query is passed to the system, and the system filters out the top 1,000 or 100,000 Web sites. We think you will want to check it out. Once you have run some sample queries, consider these questions:

  1. When a handful of Web sites attract the most traffic, is popularity the road to comprehensive information retrieval?
  2. When sites are NOTted out, what do you gain? What do you lose?
  3. How do you know what is filtered from any Web search index? Do you run test queries and examine the results?

Enjoy. If you know a librarian, why not involve that person in your test queries?

Stephen E Arnold, May 1, 2012

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