Is Android Slipping From Google’s Grasp?

May 8, 2012

It is a tale of fragmentation and control: BetaNews declares, “Google Has Lost Control of Android.” The extensive article examines the ways in which writer Joe Wilcox says open source distribution of the Android platform is hurting the company. He asserts:

Forrester Research predicts that proprietary Android will surpass the Google Android ecosystem by 2015. Stated differently, Google’s open-source mobile platform risks fracturing into multiple fatally fragmented Android ecosystems. Not one but many. There is little time for Google to demonstrate decisive leadership that can keep the ecosystem largely intact. . . .

“Google’s problem: Two partners are overwhelming successful, while the majority limp along, and one hurts the entire Android ecosystem. Apple is now the least of concerns. Putting Amazon and Samsung in their place is more important.”

Why are Amazon and Samsung such thorns in Google‘s side? For its part, Amazon has customized its Android platform to direct users into its retail world, not Google’s. For example, it delivers its own products and services over Google’s even if, say, the address for Google Play is typed directly into the Kindle‘s browser. Sneaky.

Samsung has hijacked the Android environment on its Galaxy Tab and on most of its smartphones, controlling the user experience. The Samsung skin is so thick, Wilcox says, that users lucky enough to get an upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich won’t be able to see much of a difference.

See the article for more in depth discussion of Android’s fragmentation, the need for Google to exert control, and Wilcox’s suggestions for the company. Interesting reading (cute pictures, too.)

Cynthia Murrell, May X, 2012


One Response to “Is Android Slipping From Google’s Grasp?”

  1. Google to Change Android Tactics : Beyond Search on June 7th, 2012 12:06 am

    […] and Sales.” There are several reasons the move is a good idea, but fragmentation and a loss of control to vendors are probably foremost; the hardware vendors Google partners with tend to impose […]

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