Minority Report Software Sifts Through Big Data

August 25, 2012

Yahoo!News recently reported on big data software that looks more like science fiction than fact in the article “Minority Report Software Hits the Real World.”

According to the article, scientist John Underkoffler developed the same interface as that appears in the 2002 Steven Spielberg sci-fi  film “Minority Report”. The difference is, rather than using the technology to predict crime, the software is designed to sift through massive amounts of video and other data.

The article elaborates:

“Kwin Kramer, chief executive of Oblong, said the software can help in searching through “big data” for information. It can also create souped-up video-conference capabilities where participants share data from multiple devices like smartphones and tablets, integrated into a large video display.

“We think the future of computing is multiuser, multiscreen, multidevice,” Kramer told AFP. “This system helps with big workflow problems.”

This software allows you to move back in forth in time and zoom in to look at details. Exactly like the user experience in the movie. While gestural interfaces have been developed by other firms like Microsoft, this is far more sophisticated and will help businesses allow for better collaboration, visualization and analysis of large amounts of data.

Jasmine Ashton, August XX, 2012

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