IT Policies Encompass Ergonomics Along with Help Desks and Google Glass

November 28, 2013

The collection of policies on ZDNet is titled 90+ IT Policies At Your Fingertips, Ready For Download. With a subscription the article offers templates for many of the policies necessary to govern IT and other workplace necessities. Of course, the pitch is a bit of a circular argument (instead of paying someone hundreds of dollars for a policy, pay us hundreds of dollars for many policies) but more important is the implied state of governance.

The article explains in the blurb provided for the IT Consultant Conduct Policy:

“By the very nature of their business, IT consultants–who have both access and exposure to a company’s most sensitive data–must be held to the highest ethical standard. Ethics are critical, not only to the consultant’s company, but to the client organization. In addition to ethical behavior, a consultant must maintain appropriate behavior at all times. This IT Consultant Conduct Policy outlines an example code of conduct and a code of conduct for consultants.”

Looking ahead, there is even a policy available for the day when employees start bringing Google Glass to work. This is a technology that provides for sneaky recording of audio and visual, (or perhaps not so sneaky, more of a hiding in plain sight maneuver) and so employers might do well to think ahead. Not included in the long list is any sort of editorial policy, which we thought might be making a comeback. Maybe not.

Chelsea Kerwin, November 28, 2013

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