Looking Towards 2015’s Data Trends

March 5, 2015

Here we go again! Another brand new year and it is time to predict where data will take us. For the past few years it has been all about the big data and while it has a solid base, other parts of the data science are coming into the limelight. While LinkedIn is a social network for professionals, one can also read articles on career advice, hot topics, and new trends in fields. Kurt Cagle is a data science expert and has written on the topic for over ten years. His recent article, “Ten Trends In Data Science In 2015” from December was posted on LinkedIn.

He calls the four data science areas the Data Cycle: analysis, awareness, governance, and acquisition. From Cagle’s perspective, 2014 saw big data has matured, data visualization software is in high demand, and semantics is growing. He predicts 2015 will hold much of the same:

“…with the focus shifting more to the analytics and semantic side, and Hadoop (and Map/Reduce without Hadoop) becoming more mainstream. These trends benefit companies looking for a more comprehensive view of their information environment (both within and outside the company), and represent opportunities in the consulting space for talented analysts, programmers and architects.”

Data visualization is going to get even bigger in the coming year. Hybrid data stores with more capabilities will become more common, semantics will grow even larger and specializing companies will be bought up, and there will be more competition for Hadoop. Cable also predicts work be done on a universal query language and data analytics are moving beyond the standard SQL.

His ending observations explain that data silos will be phased into open data platforms, making technology easier not just for people to use but also for technology to be compliant with each other.

Whitney Grace, March 05, 2015
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