What Makes You Ill? Social Media? Nope

January 14, 2016

I read “Loneliness, Social Networks, and Health: A Cross-Sectional Study in Three Countries.” The study reveals that people who are unhappy also get sick.

Lots of effort went into this statement:

In all three countries, loneliness was the variable most strongly correlated with health after controlling for depression, age, and other covariates. Loneliness contributed more strongly to health than any component of the social network.

My hunch is that those who are believers in social media will be able to link Snapchat snaps and Reddit posts with feeling good and being healthy.

I have a different view of social media and its possible benefits: Social media posts are outstanding sources of data for those who want to predict where a Google Map thinks you will go. Other groups like social media data as well; for example, bad actors.

My thought is that heavy users of social media may find themselves making new friends. For example, when you get out of your autonomous vehicle and know no one, you can ask, “Yo, dude, where am I?” Then say, “Let’s be friends.” This is a great ice breaker in Woodlawn, for instance.

Another function is that your college roomie now supporting certain groups of interest may open some new “friendship doors.” For example, if an investigative group exploring relationships with certain tools, you will spend quite a bit of time with your new friends.

Social media, therefore, addresses loneliness. That leads to a healthier life. Obvious, no?

Stephen E Arnold, January 14, 2016


One Response to “What Makes You Ill? Social Media? Nope”

  1. Rental Villa on January 14th, 2016 12:10 pm

    Rental Villa

    What Makes You Ill? Social Media? Nope : Stephen E. Arnold @ Beyond Search

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