Google Maps: Blurred Spots

January 28, 2016

Short honk: You might be able to search by lat and long, but you will not see “it.” To get a partial run down on what’s not visible in Google Maps, navigate to “Controversial Places That Google Maps Won’t Let You See.”

The question becomes, “How does one see these blurred locations?” There are some options, but that’s the information covered in my lectures for Telestrategies’ “Now That Google Doesn’t Work, What Does an Investigator Do.” There are some free and for fee services which are quite useful.

A good question to ponder is, “Why?”

Why are some locations visible via Google and the same locations are not visible in Bing?

If it is not there, one cannot search it. If it is there and blurred, one has to find an option. Life online. Such a drag.

Stephen E Arnold, January 28, 2016


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