Google and Song Lyrics

July 13, 2016

I love the results I get for pop stars, TV shows, and binge watching. To feed the curious minds of online researchers, Google has upped the ante. “Google Licenses LyricFind for Search Results” reports that Google has addressed its miserable search systems for the words in tunes. Consider this lyric:

“My wrist deserve a shout out, I’m like “what up, wrist’?
My stove deserve a shout out, I’m like “what up, stove’?”

According to the write up:

A query for the lyrics to a specific song will pull up the words to much of that song, freeing users from having to click through to another website. Google rolled out the lyrics feature in the U.S. today (June 27), though it has licenses to display the lyrics internationally as well.

I am definitely thrilled. Why worry about the indexing of PowerPoints, PDFs, and other content when I have access to the source of:

I’m that red bull, now let’s fly away.

What’s really flown away? Rag mop.

Stephen E Arnold, July 13, 2016


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