Toshiba Amps up Vector Indexing and Overall Data Matching Technology

September 13, 2016

The article on MyNewsDesk titled Toshiba’s Ultra-Fast Data Matching Technology is 50 Times Faster than its Predecessors relates the bold claims swirling around Toshiba and their Vector Indexing Technology. By skipping the step involving computation of the distance between vectors, Toshiba has slashed the time it takes to identify vectors (they claim). The article states,

Toshiba initially intends to apply the technology in three areas: pattern mining, media recognition and big data analysis. For example, pattern mining would allow a particular person to be identified almost instantly among a large set of images taken by surveillance cameras, while media recognition could be used to protect soft targets, such as airports and railway stations*4by automatically identifying persons wanted by the authorities.

In sum, Toshiba technology is able to quickly and accurately recognize faces in the crowd. But the specifics are much more interesting. Current technology takes around 20 seconds to identify an individual out of 10 million, and Toshiba can do it in under a second. The precision rates that Toshiba reports are also outstanding at 98%. The world of Minority Report, where ads recognize and direct themselves to random individuals seems to be increasingly within reach. Perhaps more importantly, this technology should be of dire importance to the criminal and perceived criminal populations of the world

Chelsea Kerwin, September 13, 2016
Sponsored by, publisher of the CyberOSINT monographThere is a Louisville, Kentucky Hidden Web/Dark Web meet up on September 27, 2016.
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