Quote to Note: Microsoft CEO on Tay

October 3, 2016

I circled this quote to note in “Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella on Artificial Intelligence, Algorithmic Accountability, and What He Learned from Tay.” Here’s the statement about Tay, the chat bot which developed some interesting characteristics:

One of my biggest learnings from [chatbot] Tay was that you need to build even AI that is resilient to attacks. It was fascinating to see what happened on Twitter, but for instance we didn’t face the same thing in China. Just the social conversation in China is different, and if you put it in the US corpus it’s different. Then, of course, there was a concerted attack.

Yep, algorithmic bias. Perhaps in the rush to make a marketing splash some steps were hop scotched?

Who was responsible for the mistake?

We were [building Tay] as a prototype to learn. Right now, given the media cycle that we have, there is no distinction between a prototype and a released product.

The media. I knew it.

Stephen E Arnold, October 3, 2016


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