Xoogler Interviews Facebooker about Smart Software

November 16, 2016

I read “Facebook’s Yann LeCun On Everything AI”. I cannot resist write ups that purport to cover “everything” in a 400 word write up. The main point of the article in my opinion was:

since 95% of today’s AI training is done under supervised learning, the amount of information a machine has is limited and it is therefore not able to escape set boundaries. He also stated, however, that it’s too early to make predictions and he wouldn’t rule out the possibility that this status quo remains unchanged in 30-50 years from now.

The write up points to a video of the 18 minute lecture.

My reaction was that it was interesting to me that Dr. Thrun, a Stanford professor and a Google VP and Google Fellow, conducted the softball interview.

Stephen E Arnold, November 16, 2016


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