Is the End of Google Web Search Coming?

December 20, 2017

I read “Google to Use Mobile Version of a Site to Determine Mobile Rankings.” The info, if on the money, makes clear that the Google cares about mobile, not desktop anchor Web search. No surprise. The article reported:

[The write up quoted a Googler as stating:] “Mobile-first indexing means that we’ll use the mobile version of the content for indexing and ranking, to better help our – primarily mobile – users find what they’re looking for.” These changes probably won’t affect end users too much, but it does highlight how Google’s efforts are starting to focus more on mobile.

I think the word for this modest step is “deprecate.” Flash forward a year or so and what have we got? Less “deep” Google indexing of non mobile Web sites. Fewer PowerPoints indexed. Fewer PDFs indexed. In short, the lack of rigor in indexing the Railway Retirement Board comes to boat anchor Web sites.

Web indexing is expensive and likely to be facing “friction” from the net neutrality change. This means mobile is money for the GOOG.

Just a thought from Harrod’s Creek.

Stephen E Arnold, December 20, 2017


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