Big Data Answers the Question ‘Are You Happy?’

November 30, 2018

navigate to the capitalist tool and read “Mapping World Happiness 2015-2018 Through 850 Million News Articles.” Keep in mind that the write up does not explain what percentage of the “news articles” are fake news, the outputs of anti American interest groups, bots, public relations outfits like Definers, or marketing wizards chugging along in the search engine optimization game, and other interesting sources of the data. The write up is a bit of promotion for what is called the GDelt Project. The exercise reveals some of the strengths of open source intelligence. The idea is that collection and analysis can reveal trends and insights.The process involved some number crunching; for example:

Its sentiment mining system has computed more than 2.3 trillion emotional assessments across thousands of distinct emotions from “abashment” to “wrath.”

Google apparently contributed resources.

The question becomes, “Is this analysis an example of real news or is it more marketing?”

The Beyond Search goose has no strong “sentiment” either way. Just asking a simple question.

Stephen E Arnold, November 30, 2018


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