Google: Getting AI Advice from Humans, Not AI

March 27, 2019

If your blood pressure is high when thinking about machine learning, you are not alone. If you believe the headlines, we are all (no matter the industry) on the cusp of being replaced by AI and machine learning. However, there is hope for meager humans like us, as we discovered in a recent Forbes article, “A Reminder That Machine Learning Is About Correlations Not Causation.”

According to the story:

“Developers and data scientists increasingly treat their creations as silicon life forms “learning” concrete facts about the world, rather than what they truly are: piles of numbers detached from what they represent, mere statistical patterns encoded into software. We must recognize that those patterns are merely correlations amongst vast reams of data, rather than causative truths or natural laws governing our world.”

Worry not, please.

Google has launched a global artificial intelligence council. The council will advise AI companies about artificial intelligence and ethics, according to Reuters. We  noted:

The council, which is slated to publish a report at the end of 2019, includes technology experts, digital ethicists, and people with public policy backgrounds, Kent Walker, Google’s senior vice president for global affairs, said at a Massachusetts Institute of Technology conference.

Will Google remember or selectively forget to listen to the inputs from the council? Yes, the council includes a drone expert. No, the council does not include a screenwriter who worked on Terminator.

Stephen E Arnold, March 27, 2019


One Response to “Google: Getting AI Advice from Humans, Not AI”

  1. on June 20th, 2019 7:14 pm

    Amazing! Este blog parece exatamente como meu velho! É
    um totalmente diferentes assunto mas tem praticamente o mesmo layout de página e design.
    Pendentes das cores!

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