Google NLP Search: Fortune Loves It. Simple Queries Reveal Shortcomings

October 25, 2019

I read “Google Says Its Latest Tech Tweak Provides Better Search Results. Here’s How.” DarkCyber enjoys Fortune Magazine’s how to explanations. They are just. So. Wonderful.

We learned:

Google’s goal is to make it easier for users, who often don’t know how to enter queries for the information they want. Since its search engine debuted in 1997, Google has focused on getting its technology to better understand natural language to produce relevant results even in cases where users enter a misspelled word or a query that is off target. With the latest change, Google will also now consider the sequential order in which words are placed in a search, instead of returning results based on a “mixed bag” of keywords.

Yes, but what about tuning search to advertising? What about ignoring bound phrases? What about Boolean logic? What about words like “terminal” which have different, often difficult to disambiguate meanings?

Fortune jumps over these questions.

Try this query on the “new” Google?

What companies compete with Subsentio?

What about this one?

Amazon law enforcement products

Not what I had in mind. I was thinking about QLDB and digital currency deanonymization.

Sorry, Google. Not yet. Personalization does not work either, by the way. (You know. Examine the search history, etc. etc.)

Fortune, check out where Google’s ad revenue comes from. Just a small clue to put Google search in its context.

Stephen E Arnold, October 25, 2019


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