Former Amazonian Suggests the Pre Built Models Are Pipe Dreams

January 30, 2020

I read a PR-infused write up with some interesting presumably accurate information. The article is from (an outfit somewhat removed from Mr. Ziff’s executive dining room.) Its title? “Reality Engines Offers a Deep Learning Tour de Force to Challenge Amazon et al in Enterprise AI”. Here’s a passage which warranted an Amazon orange highlighter circle:

The goal, Reddy told ZDNet, is a service that “automatically creates production-ready models from data in the wild,” to ease the labor of corporations that don’t have massive teams of data scientists and deep learning programmers. “While other companies talk about offering this service, it is still largely a pipe-dream,” wrote Reddy in an email exchange with ZDNet. “We have made significant strides towards this goal,” she said.

Who will care about this assertion? Since the founder of the company is a former top dog of  “AI verticals” at Amazon’s AWS cloud service”, Amazon may care. Amazon asserts that SageMaker and related tools make machine learning easier, faster, better (cheaper may depend on one’s point of view). A positive summary of some of Amazon’s machine learning capabilities appears in “Building Fully Custom Machine Learning Models on AWS SageMaker: A Practical Guide.”

Because the sweeping generalization about “pipe dreams” includes most of the machine learning honchos and honchettes, Facebook, Google, IBM, and others are probably going to pay attention. After all, Reality Engines has achieved “significant strides” with 18 people, some adviser, and money from Google’s former adult, Eric Schmidt, who invested $5.25 million.

The write up provides a glimpse of some of the ingredients in the Reality Engines’ secret sauce:

… The two pillars of the offering are “generative adversarial networks,” known as “GANs,” and “network architecture search.” Those two technologies can dramatically reduce the effort needed to build machine learning for enterprise functions, the company contends. GANs, of course, are famous for making fake faces by optimizing a competition between two neural networks based on the encoding and decoding of real images. In this case, Reality Engines has built something called a “DAGAN,” a GAN that can be used for data augmentation, the practice of making synthetic data sets when not enough data is available to train a neural network in a given domain. DAGANs were pioneered by Antreas Antoniou of the Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation at the University of Edinburgh in 2018. The Reality Engines team has gone one better: They built a DAGAN by using network architecture search, or “NAS,” in which the computer finds the best architecture for the GAN by trying various combinations of “cells,” basic primitives composed of neural network modules.

For those not able to visualize a GAN and DGAN system, the write up includes an allegedly accurate representation of some of the Reality Engines’ components. The diagram in the write up is for another system, and authored in part by a wizard working at another firm, but let’s assume were are in the ballpark conceptually:


It appears that there is a training set. The data are fed to a DenseNet classifier and  a validator. Then the DEGAN generator kicks in, processes data piped from the data sources. What’s interesting is that there are two process blocks (maybe Bayesian at its core with the good old Gaussian stuff mixed in) which “discriminate”. DarkCyber thinks this means that the system tries to reduce its margin of error for metatagging and other operations. The “Real Synthetic” block  may be an error checking component, but the recipe is incomplete.

The approach is a mash up: Reality Engines’ code with software called Bananas,” presumably developed by the company Petuum and possibly experts at the University of Toronto.

How accurate is the system? DarkCyber typically ignores vendor’s assertions about accuracy. You can make up your own mind about this statement:

“The NAS-improved DAGAN improves classification accuracy on the target dataset by as much as 20.5% and can transfer between tasks,” they write.

The “reality” of most machine learning systems is that accuracy of 85 percent is attainable under quite specific conditions: Content from a bounded domain, careful construction of training data, calibration, and on-going retraining when what DarkCyber calls Bayesian drift kicks in. If a system is turned on and just used, accuracy degrades over time. At some point, the outputs are sufficiently wide of the mark that a ZDNet journalist may spot problems.

What does the system output? It seems to DarkCyber that the information in the write up focuses on classifiers. If our interpretation is narrowed to that function, content is dumped into buckets. These buckets make it easy to extract content and perform additional analysis. If each step in a work flow works, the final outs will have a greater likelihood of being “accurate” or “right.” But there are many slips between the cup and the lip as a famous plagiarizer once repeated.

What type of data can the system process? The answer is structured data, presumably cleansed and validated data.

If the Reality Engines’ approach is of interest, the company’s Web site offers a Web site with a “Request Access” button. Click it and you are probably free to test the system or kick its off road tires.

Will bananas and backpropagation be on your machine learning menu in the future?

Stephen E Arnold, January 30, 2020


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