Another Specialized Method Revealed

April 20, 2020

This is another example of an article which should not be widely available. Rumors of a method to compromise Android phones have been circulating for months. The major signal that a specialized services firm had developed a way to compromise Android phones was a change in Zerodium’s bounty. Android bounties cratered; iPhone vulnerability values skyrocketed. Why? Android devices could become the house pets of certain entities.

The Secret Behind Unkillable Android Backdoor Called xHelper Has Been Revealed” explains the procedures followed. If you are interested in what significant research efforts can achieve, read the article.

DarkCyber’s view is that Google’s Android team, like many zip zip development shops, overlook excellence. The pursuit of good enough has paid dividends for Google’s approach to business. However, Googlers make assumptions that their way is THE highway.

That works until it doesn’t.

DarkCyber has little to say about the specialized services which have been able to convert the Android device into a handy dandy information provider.

And what about the cyber security firms selling “security”? Does this minor issue suggest that talk and PR about digital security solutions is hot air?

But Google?  Yep, Google. Good enough is not.

Stephen E Arnold, April 20, 2020


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