Brave Browsing Sniping

June 9, 2020

DarkCyber noted “The Brave Web Browser Is Hijacking Links, and Inserting Affiliate Codes.” The write up explains that the Brave browser is behaving in a way that is unseemly. The point is that a free Web browser is pitching privacy and at the same time performs some underhanded actions to generate revenue. The explanation of the digital sleight of hand is interesting and illustrates that those “gee, stuff is free” online users assume one thing and may find something different. The write up includes this list and suggestions for accessing Web sites in a non-Brave way. We quote:

There is no good reason to use Brave. Use Chromium — the open-source core of Chrome — with the uBlock Origin ad blocker. [Chromium download, uBO Chrome]

Or use Firefox with uBlock Origin — ‘cos it blocks more ads than the Chromium framework will let anything block. [uBO Firefox]

Or, if you want a really cleaned-out Chrome — ungoogled-chromium, with uBlock Origin. [GitHub]

If you’re on Android, use Firefox with uBlock Origin, or the new Firefox Focus browser. [Mozilla]

Brave is a browser for suckers who want to keep getting played — so it’s a 100% crypto enterprise. As Eich’s pinned tweet still tells us: “Who gets paid? If not you, then you’re ‘product’.” [Twitter]

DarkCyber is not sure if this comment is as ominous as it sounded to one DarkCyber researcher:

Brendan Eich has responded to this post by claiming “David lies about us all the time.” I have pointed out that this is a prima facie defamatory statement, and asked him to detail these claimed lies. [Twitter, archive]

Mr. Eich is the alleged perpetrator of the Brave misdeeds. Online marketing and advertising are fascinating disciplines.

Stephen E Arnold, June 8, 2020


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