What Makes MIT a Great Institution: No, Not Jeffrey Epstein

March 24, 2021

News flash. Complex math is a challenge. People who can parse in a meaningful way said complex math are not plentiful compared to Wendy’s workers and art history majors.

Auditors Are Testing Hiring Algorithms for Bias, but Big Questions Remain” presents a brilliant insight. This is a eureka moment unequalled in MIT’s rich history of research, analysis, and judicious decision making. (No, I am not talking about Jeffrey Epstein, the cover up, and the sweep under the rug response.)

What is this brilliant empirical insight? I quote:

For all the attention that AI audits have received, though, their ability to actually detect and protect against bias remains unproven. The term “AI audit” can mean many different things, which makes it hard to trust the results of audits in general.

I have to sit down, take a breath, calm myself.

Complex numerical procedures, smart software, and outputs with opaque programmer controls are very hard to audit.

What’s the fix?

None other than ideas like “let the government do it.”

Yeah, brilliant.

Stephen E Arnold, March 24, 2021


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