Recorded Future: Poking Googzilla?

May 26, 2021

Google and In-Q-Tel were among the first to embrace the start up Recorded Future. Over the years, Recorded Future beavered away in specialist markets. There were some important successes; for example, helpful insights about the Paris Terrorist bombing. But Recorded Future was not a headline grabber. Predictive analytics is not the sort of thing that inflames the real journalists at many “real news” publications. The Googley part of Recorded Future faded over time, and it seems to me that most of the analysts forgot it was around in the first place. Then came the sale of Recorded Future to Insight Partners for about $800 million. From start up to exit in 12 years and another home run for the founders. Now the work begins. The company has to generate more revenue, which has been a challenge for similar companies.

Recorded Future does do search, but it does not do online advertising as a revenue generator. The company has a broad array of services, and it is finding that established competitors like IBM i2, Palantir Technologies, and Verint are also chasing available projects for specialized software. To add a twist to the story, start ups like Trendalyze (an outfit focused on real time analytics) and DataWalk (a better Palantir in my opinion) are snagging work in some rarified niches.

What’s the non Googley Recorded Future doing?

After reading “Thousands of Chrome Extensions Are Tampering with Security Headers,” I think the Insight owned outfit is poking a stick into the zoological park in which Googzilla hunts. My hunch is that Google continues taking off-the-radar actions to ensure that its revenues flow and glow. (No, that’s not on any Google T shirt I possess.) The new Recorded Future is revealing a Google method, and I think some in the Googleplex will not be happy.

The write up does not get into Google’s business strategy. But someone will read the Recorded Future post and do a bit of digging.

Several thoughts:

  1. Has Recorded Future broken an unwritten rule regarding the explanation of Google’s more interesting methods?
  2. Will the Google respond in a way that tweaks the nose of the Recorded Future team?
  3. Will Recorded Future escalate its revelations about the GOOG to get clicks, generate traffic, and possibly make sales?

I have no answers. I think the write up is interesting and probably long overdue. I think this is an important shift which has taken place with a new owner overseeing the once Googley predictive analytics company. Insight probably used the Recorded Future methods to predict the probabilities for upsides and downsides of this type of article. There are margins of error, however.

Stephen E Arnold, May 26, 2021


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