TikTok: Hours per Day Reveal an Intellectual Commitment to Shortened Attention Spans

September 13, 2022

I am in an interesting location. Sorry. No details, no local color. I did spot a citation to the estimable Murdochian Wall Street Journal. The citation I saw was in this Slashdot post: “Instagram Stumbles in Push to Mimic TikTok Internal Documents Show.” I am not too keen on information once private finding its way into the wild, but there is one sentence which I found darned interesting; to wit:

Instagram users cumulatively are spending 17.6 million hours a day watching Reels, less than one-tenth of the 197.8 million hours TikTok users spend each day on that platform…

From my point of view these data reveal an intense, intellectual commitment to creating shortened attention spans. What about reading a — oh, what are those artifacts called? — books.

Wow. A formula for critical thinking and learning complex subjects for sure.

Oh, one detail about my location in the US. My colleague and I watched two young people struggle to read printed instructions for closing out a cash register. Words. Yeah. Words.

Stephen E Arnold, September 13, 2022


One Response to “TikTok: Hours per Day Reveal an Intellectual Commitment to Shortened Attention Spans”

  1. Internal Twitter memo: extreme heat in California takes its Sacramento data center region offline; losing other centers could result in downtime for all users (CNN) - Cybernonstop on September 13th, 2022 6:48 am

    […] Stephen E. Arnold / Beyond Search: TikTok: Hours per Day Reveal an Intellectual Commitment to Shortened Attention Spans […]

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