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  • In Search of... the Good Search (PDF Document)
    This is a version of the cover story for the March 2003 "Searcher Magazine.", January 2, 2003.
  • Search Engines: Evolution and Diffusion (This article is in the process of being updated.) Stephen Arnold and Harry Collier, Managing Director, Infonortics, Ltd., Tetbury, Glou, January 31, 2003.
  • Bitpipe: A New Direction For Indexing (Word Document)
    article from "Technology from Harrod's Creek," January 2003. 






  • Push Technology (PDF format)
    Appeared in the August/September 1997 issue of Database Push technology was falling from favor when this articles was written. However, push technology has a role, particularly with increasing interest in wireless information devices that delivery "just in time" information.
  • Vectors Of Change: Electronic Information from 1998 to 2007 (PDF format)
    Represents a short version of a longer list of forces driving electronic publishing. The concept of "vectors of change" was used in a number of Stephen E. Arnold's articles in 1996. The articles appeared in the July / August 1997 issue of
  • The Vectors Of Change (PDF format)
    A client wanted to know what forces drove technology change in electronic information.


  • Taming the Internet: The Key to Security. (PDF format)
    Upside Magazine in its April 1996 issue extracted a chapter from Stephen E. Arnold's book, Publishing on the Internet: .A New Medium for a New Millennium.




  • Data Geographics: Traversing New Data Constructs (PDF format)
    This articles was written for the National Online Meeting in 1990. Although short, the articles was one of Stephen E. Arnold's early descriptions of the rich media information environment that surrounds online users today.

  • Amplifying the Database (PDF format)
    This is a white paper used as background for Stephen E. Arnold's presentation to the Direct Market Association's annual meeting in early 1990.

  • Winning in the 1990s (PDF format)
    This essay appeared in the February 1990 issue of Electronic Library.
    The owner of Electronic Library ran occassional pieces by Stephen E. Arnold.
    This one takes a look at the business practices in the formerly-genteel world of library information services.

  • Marketing Electronic Information in the 1990s (PDF format)
    This is another Electronic Library essay, first published in October 1990.
    The articles provides a good summary of the basics of information marketing in public, academic, technical, and special libraries.

  • Patents on the Prairie (PDF format)
    In 1989, Elsevier asked Stephen E. Arnold to submit occassional essays to its Advanced Information Report newsletter. This February 1990 essay relates an anecdote related to the cost associated with making a decision without complete patent research.

  • A Fanfare from Mr Brass (PDF format)
    This is June 1990 essay for Advanced Information Report. The focus is on Richard Brass, who has had a major impact on electronic information since he developed the first integrated spelling checker.

  • Hotel Hassels and Boothmanship at SLA conference (PDF format)
    This is the August 1990 essay for Advanced Information Report. The essay documents the escalation of online trade show marketing from its low-key, facts-only approach to a newer, more Madison Avenue style of marketing.

  • A New Frontier in Database Design (PDF format)
    The editor of Microcomputers for Information Management asked Stephen E. Arnold to develop the multi-object, rich-media database concept in a short articles. This essay appeared in September 1990, and it is long in the tooth.

  • Text Timesharers: Sitting Ducks for Hungry Dogs (PDF format)
    Stephen E. Arnold has pinpointed the vulnerabilities of electronic publishing companies operated by people who come from accounting, legal, and business backgrounds. This essay appeared in December 1989 in Electronic Library and spells out the problems associated with managers who are not technologists driving companies that are anchored in technology.

  • 25 Marketing Tactics (PDF format)
    In the late 1980s, Carol Galvin and Stephen E. Arnold created the newlsetter Marketing Library Services. The newsletter is now owned by Information Today, Inc. As part of the research for the newsletter, Stephen E. Arnold assembled a list of the 25 marketing tactics that were used by various types of libraries and information companies. Although never published, the checklist of tactics has been used and reused by Mr. Arnold for more than 13 years.


  • Marketing CD-ROM Information Products: The International Opportunities and Challenges (PDF format)
    This essay was written for the International Online Meeting, London, 1989. It is useful because the comments about CD-ROM technology applies directly to the boom-bust cycle of Internet-based services.

  • Print Products into Electronic Products: A Strategic Approach for Electronic Products (PDF format)
    This essay presents a number of themes that Stephen E. Arnold has addressed in articles and subsequent articles. The paper provides several case studies, options analyses, checklists, and business models that illustrate the key point: Moving content from one form to another is not easy, cheap, or likely to generate substantial revenue in a new medium.

  • Ethics and the New Information Technology (PDF format)
    In 1989, Stephen E. Arnold received the Distinguished Lectureship Award from Rutgers University and ASIS. The lectures were based on this unpublished white paper. Many of the themes that Stephen E. Arnold has addressed in subsequent books and articles appear in this essay.

  • Guidelines for Information Marketing (PDF format)
    This essay was prepared as a handout to accompany Stephen E. Arnold's speech at the SLA conference in early 1989. The essay includes the 25 basic information marketing tactics but places them in the context of nine strategies for information marketing.

  • Mainstream Customer Satisfaction (PDF format)
    This is an October 1989 essay for Advanced Information Report. The point of this essay is that customer service was beginning to deteriorate in the late 1980s.

  • Answer: Batman, Bingo and CD-ROMs {PDF format)
    This December 1989 essay for Advanced Information Report describes the now-transformed Dialog Information Services' early attempt to step up its marketing in order to generate more revenue. Reading the articles in 2001 is a reminder of how futile these efforts were.

  • Document delivery cup 1990: Ei 1 away 0 (PDF format)
    This essay appeared in Advanced Information Report in September 1989. It is a positive summary of document delivery services from Engineering Information, now a unit of Reed-Elsevier, the company that published Advanced Information Report.

  • Timesharing Companies Specializing in Text: Sitting Ducks or Top Dogs? (PDF format)
    This is an essay prepared for Online Inc. annual online show. The essay provides an early warning about the financial problems into which traditional timesharing companies were charging at high speed. The essay is somewhat less blunt than the version of the essay that appeared in Electronic Library several months later.

  • Segmenting the Information Services Market: A Special Report from Marketing Library Services (PDF format)
    With the start of the Marketing Library Services newsletter, Stephen E. Arnold prepared a white paper about segmenting the library market. The white paper was never published, and it is presented here for the first time. Despite the age of the white paper, the segment analysis remains valid.

  • Silicon Valley and Unix (PDF format)
    This August 1989 essay for Advanced Information Report documents the importance of the client-server architecture in the pre-Web days.


  • End-users: Dollars but doubts (PDF format)
    This is a follow on to the 1987 articles "Dreams into Dollars." This second articles about end users focuses on the success (or lack of it) that the early efforts to expand the online user base beyond of specially-trained information professionals. This articles appeared in Information Services and Use in 1989. One of the more startling observations was the mismatch between commercial services and end users' information needs. Even more disturbing to readers in the late 1980s was to statement that the United States would lose its lead in information. The extensive holdings of Thomson, Reed Elsevier, Wolters Kluwer, VNU, and News Corp. bear out the a fundamental shift in ownership. Finally, the articles states clearly that the gap between information haves and have nots will become a permanent feature of the online landscape.

  • Electronic Information on CD—A Product or a Service (PDF format)
    This articles appeared in Online in November 1987. It is notable because it makes extensive use of a neologism I heard at a marketing seminar in 1986. If one can look beyond the horrible coinage "provice" which is a hybrid of product and service, the articles explains the dual nature of electronic information.
  • A baker's dozen of CD-ROM myths (PDF format)
    This articles appeared in Electronic and Optical Publshing Review, June 1987. The editor was Harry Collier, who later became the publisher of Stephen E. Arnold's monographs on electronic information. Furthermore, this articles captures the challenging nature of Stephen E. Arnold's approach to advanced information technology.

  • End-users: Dreams or Dollars (PDF format)
    An early look at the fallacies of assuming people will pay for electronic information.




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