Commercial Intelligence: A Better Way to Do Competitive Intelligence

May 13, 2008

Business intelligence and competitive intelligence are “not really intelligence”, asserts Robert D. Steele, well-known advocate of open source information and managing director of OSS.Net. In an exclusive interview with Beyond Search, Mr. Steele–who is one of the strongest advocates for the use of open source information for intelligence–says that commercial business intelligence “systems are edging toward failure. The systems aren’t very good, useful, or usable.”

The fix to the problems of today’s software-based approaches to intelligence is a mixed approach. He says that a better approach:

…consists of requirements definition (understand the question in context, the desired outcome); collection management (know who knows), source discovery and validation (generally done by expert humans who have spent their life mastering the domain, at someone else’s expense); analysis, which can be aided by but does not necessarily require automated support; and compelling timely actionable presentation to the decision-maker.

You can read the full interview on the Interview section of the Beyond Search Web log site here.

Stephen Arnold, May 13, 2008


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