Mark Logic: Content Applications Fuel Company’s Growth

June 17, 2008

Mark Logic provides information access and delivery solutions that accelerate the creation of content applications. Customers across a range of industries rely on Mark Logic to repurpose content and deliver that information through channels. Some vendors describe this suite of functions as an enterprise publishing system.

The company has been growing at a furious pace. Dave Kellogg, former Business Objects’ executive, said:

Mark Logic… is a database management system built to natively manage XML documents and optimized for handling vast numbers of them (I mean hundreds of terabytes) with high performance. It’s a read/write system. It has a query language (XQuery). It has transactions and logging. You can use it, by itself–without the need to bolt it on to either a relational database or an application server–as the basis for content applications.

The company’s customers include Oxford University Press, O’Reilly Media, and the Congressional Quarterly. The company builds relationships with its customers. Mr. Kellogg says, “Our philosophy is to sell sell solutions to problems and avoid the stereotypical “drive-by” technology sale, where companies dump the software in the parking lot and leave.”

The full interview appears as part of the Search Wizards Speak series published by You can read the transcript of the interview with Mr. Kellogg here. The index to the full series of interviews is here.

Stephen Arnold, June 17, 2008


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