A Bustling Brainware

July 10, 2008

A lousy economy is not affecting Brainware, judging from their recent actions. First, the company said that it was adding staff. Not one or two people, but  a Deputy Vice President of Operations, two Project Managers, a Senior Account Executive, a Marketing Programs Director, a Customer Support Supervisor, a Recruiter, twelve senior development, product implementation and support resources, as well as various administrative and office staff. You can read the full scoop here. To put this in perspective, these additions number more employees than many search vendors have in their entire company. Most search and content processing companies are surprisingly small.

Another move is the hiring of Blaine Owens as a regional vice president for the company. You can read that item in full here. Mr Owens was a former EMC Capitva Software vice president. Brainware, in addition to its patented search method, has a document acquisition and work flow component.

For more information about the company, navigate to www.brainware.com or read this interview that appeared in ArnoldIT.com’s Search Wizards Speak series. One final point: if the news release links 404, you will be able to get most of the information from the Brainware Web site. PR stuff is tough to find after a day or two “in the wild”.

Stephen Arnold, July 10, 2008


One Response to “A Bustling Brainware”

  1. Robert Sonnenberg on April 30th, 2009 9:54 am

    What’s happening with Brainware these days? Nothing new? Do they offer a retail product or are they now more interested in just licensing their technology to their partners and relying on them to do their sales?

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