Cluuz Gets BOSS-y

July 12, 2008’s owner–Sprylogics in Toronto, Ontario–alerted me that BOSS , Yahoo’s Build Your Own Search Service–will power’s search results.The Sprylogics’ news release made me chuckle with this statement:

… will now be powered by one of the most valuable assets on the Web, the Yahoo! Search infrastructure. certainly makes headlines, but it isn’t doing a spectacular job in Web search. Google’s lead keeps inching forward. Yahoo drifts backward.

Sprylogics, like Hakia, and other search and content processing system providers can use the Yahoo plumbing without paying the sometimes sky-high fees asked of some in recent years. As a user of, the Yahoo results can yield some useful nuggets. Yahoo’s native search system doesn’t meet my needs, so I poke around the specialized engines that are listed here.

In the near future, I will run some test queries and record my opinions in this Web log. I wrote a short description of the system on May 8, 2008. You can find this write up here.

Stephen Arnold, July 12, 2008


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