SharePoint Tip: Unexpected Error Fix

July 14, 2008

A happy quack to Mahesh Anandan for “WSS 3.0/MOSS 2007 Troubleshoot Uxpected Error” here. SharePoint administrators may encounter an “unexpected error” message. The problem cuts across Web parts. Mr. Anandan provides two useful tips. I don’t want to steal his thunder. The first tip gtets you some information, but his second tip and script is very useful. The trick is to make a change oto the web.config file. It seems values must be set to true; namely, CallStack and AllowPageLevelTrace. I’m sure there’s a great reason why these switches were not set this way by Microsoft engineers, but Mr. Anandan has come to our rescue.

Stephen Arnold, July 14, 2008


One Response to “SharePoint Tip: Unexpected Error Fix”

  1. Mohamed Hachem on September 14th, 2009 1:16 pm


    To see the call stack go to the web config of the current application and do teh following :

    1) Set call Stack to true

    2) Set Custom Error display to Off

    This will allow you to see the error

    quick repair would be to recycle the pool and sharepoint timer 😉


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