Microsoft Cashback Delivers a Pay Back

July 19, 2008, one of my favorite “inside Microsoft” Web information sources reports that Live Cashback is boosting Microsoft search traffic. The short article, crafted by Sumeeth Evans, “Microsoft Searches Jump 15% after Live Cashback Launch” is worth reading. You can find the story here. Ms. Evans used ComScore data and more patience than I can muster for third-party reports to assert:

the first full month after it launched (June) shows a 15% gain in search volume v. the previous month, according to ComScore. This erases the previous month’s losses, bringing Microsoft up to 9.2% overall search share.

The Live Search team is probably still partying. After months, no, years, of slipping, Ms. Evans’ analysis reports a reversal in Microsoft’s search fortunes. The percentage change is a jump to about a 9.2 percent search share, from an 8.5 percent search share between May and June. Across all Microsoft sites, Redmond enjoys even more impressive gains. I admit I was skeptical that paying for traffic would have a major effect, but it is clear from the surge measured in hundredths warrants a Kentucky barn dance.

The Beyond Search goose is repentant of his skepticism.

Stephen Arnold, July 19, 2008


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