Google and the M Word

July 20, 2008

I try to avoid the “m word”–monopoly. Jason Lee Miller at, another Kentucky outfit, does a very good job exploring this point. His “What Percent Makes a Monopoly?” is a must read. You can access the full text here. The essay contains a wealth of data about market share. The most important point in the essay concerns the duopoly that exists with Google and Microsoft as the two duopolists. Mr. Miller says, “we know from experience with telcos and cable that the government doesn’t really mind those so much.” I agree.

The one point that warrants a comment is the notion of a barrier to entry. Online services have barriers that are difficult to quantify until you have to write checks. Google and Microsoft are building infrastructures that can support cloud services. The part that’s tough to grasp is the continuing investment in innovation necessary to keep these giant data Hummers in top form.

Stephen Arnold, July 20, 2008


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