CNet Uses the M Word

July 23, 2008

Charles Cooper’s “So When Do We Get over with It and Declare Google a Monopoly?” is a benchmark for Googzilla. You can read the full text of the essay here. Put aside the summer of transparency with Googlers explaining how to innovate, run cloud services, and motivate math wizards.

Writing in CNet Mr. Cooper quotes noted legal eagle, Richard Schmalensee, laborer in the knowledge vineyard at MIT, probing Mr. Schmalensee about when a company becomes a monopoly:

There’s no magic threshold but with high share levels, you get to be concerned… On the other hand, monopolists are allowed to compete. The question is whether the arrangement would stifle competition.

My thought is that Google is far ahead of Google and Yahoo in plumbing. Search and advertising pay the bills but these are applications. Google is poised to move into other sectors.

Google is not a monopoly; Google is a 21st century East India Company. If you recall your history, EOC operated as a nation state but as constructs do, EOC faded.

Stephen Arnold, July 23, 2008


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