Google’s Schmidt on Google as an Application Platform

July 24, 2008

TechCrunch’s Eric Schonfeld’s “Liveblogging Eric Schmidt Google Interview at Brainstorm” snagged my attention. You can read the full text of his write up here. The document is also available on the Web site.

The points of interest to me were:

  • Mr. Schmidt: Because of the way technology works, all the technology companies are aggregating information about people. It is a political debate.
  • Mr. Schmidt: The most interesting next-generation social apps will be mobile.
  • Mr. Schmidt: The easiest [way] for us to enter the enterprise is to address high pain levels like e-mail, messaging, calendaring.We have something like a million companies using these services, mostly small. My view is that it will be a many-year process…

What did I learn?

First, Google is explicitly describing itself as an application platform.

Second, usage data is the common denominator among technology companies. Aggregation is underway and the stern wake is political process. The data collection continues, of course. Politics has to play catch up to reality.

Third, mobile is a big deal. That’s for sure. Google has been beavering away on mobile technology for at least nine years.

Finally, Google is dead serious about the enterprise. Over a span of years, Google’s winning the hearts and minds of today’s students is an important part of Google’s being pulled into organizations.

The summer of transparency is yielding some useful insights into Googzilla.

Stephen Arnold, July 24, 2008


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