SharePoint: Diagram of the Month

August 3, 2008

I am now collecting SharePoint diagrams. This classic comes from “SharePoint for BI Suggestion Topics”. Its author is Derek Comingore. The diagram and an explanatory write up appear in the August 1, 2008, SQLServer Magazine Web log.  I have to confess that I don’t know what “BI suggestion topics” means. I can tell you that it looks pretty darned compllicated, which is a characteristic of most SharePoint diagrams.


This diagram is described as “the hamburger slide.” When I saw it, I thought of the Wendy’s tag line, “Where’s the beef?” What’s interesting is that my rework of the comparison tables published in Norm’s Performance Point Server Blog” does not mesh with this diagram, but I may be looking too hard for the all beef patty.

Stephen Arnold, August 3, 2008


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