Looking for the Next Killer App: Moving Beyond Search

August 7, 2008

For years, the “next killer app” was email. Email, it turns out, is a headache. Younger folks are happy with instant messaging variants. SMS is okay. More “now”, Twitter-like functions are better. As the giants of software were pumping millions into R&D and the venture crowd was trolling the corridors of universities, the “next killer app” arrived. According to Pew/Internet: Pew Internet & American Life Project, search is the big dog. You can read the Pew story here. For me, the key point in the Pew data was “the number of those using a search engine on a typical day is pulling ever closer to the 60% of internet users who use email, arguably the Internet’s all-time killer app, on a typical day.”

So, how do I find an email a day old or older? Search. Gmail search works pretty well tool. Yahoo’s email search is okay, just pokey on my connection.

With Google dominating search, what’s Google’s next killer app?

My research suggests that Google is poking its snout into information access and management. I call it “search on steroids”.  Part of this effort is Google’s Programmable Search Engine. Another part is data management. Competitors need to crank up their innovation engines and figure out how to leap frog Google. What’s “beyond search”? Competitors who want to catch Google may be too late.

Stephen Arnold, August 7, 2008


One Response to “Looking for the Next Killer App: Moving Beyond Search”

  1. Looking for the Next Killer App: Moving Beyond Search | Easycoded on August 8th, 2008 1:23 am

    […] Beyond Search with easycoded.com reports onHere’s what its about […]

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