Scaling SharePoint

August 14, 2008

We were looking for information about scaling SharePoint to handle a big job like the Olympics. One of my team called “Case Study: Using Microsoft Office SharePoint Server to Implement a Large-Scale Content Storage Scenario with Rapid Search Availability.” The authors are Paul J. Learning,  Microsoft Consulting Services, Russ Houberg, KnowledgeLake, and Andy Hopkins,  Microsoft. The download page is here. A PDF, DOC, and DOCX version are available. The document updated in June 2008 is over 100 pages in length, so summarizing it is not possible. The information is pertinent to most enterprise SharePoint installations.

For me, one of the most useful sections was the discussion of server topology, which begins on page 21. The design of the servers and the sheer horsepower recommended for the exemplary installation were, in my opinion, quite interesting. Brand name hardware and other high end infrastructure components underscore the need to have appropriate resources when scaling SharePoint. Here’s a representative server topology diagram that I think is first rate:


Page 34 from Case Study by Houberg, et al.

I also found interesting the paper’s discussion of SQL Server allocations on pages 41 and following stuffed full of useful data. Download the paper today. A happy quack to the Microsoft team for a job well done.

Stephen Arnold, August 14, 2008x


2 Responses to “Scaling SharePoint”

  1. Scaling SharePoint | Easycoded on August 14th, 2008 8:46 am

    […] ScottGu We were looking for information about scaling SharePoint to handle a big job like the Olympics. One of my team called “Case Study: Using Microsoft Office SharePoint Server to Implement a Large-Scale Content Storage Scenario with Rapid Search Availability.” The authors are Paul J. Learning,  Microsoft Consulting Services, Russ Houberg, … […]

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