Transinsight: Bio-Science Search

August 17, 2008

Earlier this year, I watched several “webinars” (man, I hate that term) about life science search. One company was in Denmark. Another outfit was in Michigan. A third company was the German firm Transinsight. Semantic content processing allows assisted navigation to complement the search box. The idea is that a user will recognize useful information. A key word search puts the burden on the user to find the “right” query to get the system to disgorge the need information.

The company has a demo to showcase its technology. GoPubMed here allows you to locate information without entering and refining queries. The interface offers some useful options; for example, here’s the discovered topics and statistics for 1,000 documents about oncology.

stats display

The company’s customers include Elsevier, BASF, Unilever, and the Max-Planck-Institut for Biochemistry, among others. The privately held firm has revenues estimated to be about $3.0 million per year. Venture funding has been provided by High Tech Gruenderfonds.

On August 15, 2008, Transinsight announced a deal with Abcam, a specialist in antibodies and reagents, to develop a search solution for antibody targets. You can read more about Abcam here. In today’s search lingo, the new service will be a “vertical search system.” A news release about the new system is here.

The important points about Transinsight and its announcement include:

  • The semantic technology originated in Germany
  • The system pushes beyond the point and click interfaces available for less specialized content with the addition of the illustrated statistics function in the screenshot
  • The technology is an appropriate use for the six or seven synonyms for gene name. Although complex, the application is not a “boil the ocean solution”.

A happy quack to Transinsight and the Beyond Search reader who provided the link to Transight.

Stephen Arnold, August 17, 2008


2 Responses to “Transinsight: Bio-Science Search”

  1. Michael R. Alvers on August 18th, 2008 3:03 am


    thanks for mentioning us! We appreciate comments and critics.

    Regarding you comment “it is not a boil the ocean solution”, I agree for (and But keep in mind that these engines are just our demo showcase for the basic features! Our customers like mostly the ontology generation- and editing platform and corporate intranet search on their own content. The engine is also used in oil and gas, car and job search. I’d say we have a hot technology, may be even more than Powerset has.

    Michael R. Alvers, CEO Transinsight

  2. OASIS UIMA Standard Draft out for Public Review on August 19th, 2008 1:58 am
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