Sun’s New X4450 Servers

September 1, 2008

I have a soft spot for Sun Microsystems hardware. Heck, we even like Solaris. We love mounting devices and performing the Sun certification process before deploying hot new hardware. I learned that Sun Microsystems released a “white paper” about its newest servers. If you are a hardware junky as I am, you will want to click here and wallow in the technical goodness of these gizmos. The white paper is “Sun Fire X4150, X4250, and X4450 Server Architecture.” What I found interesting was this statement from page 38:

Organizations strive to reduce variety of platforms in the data center, even when a wide range of workloads are present. To help this effort, the Sun Fire X4150, X4250, and X4450 servers can run the Microsoft Windows operating environment. Indeed, these servers have passed stringent Microsoft compatibility test suites, achieving “Designed for Windows” certification. This certification demonstrates Sun’s commitment to providing the best platforms to run not only the Solaris OS and Linux, but Windows as well.

I would love to have a couple of XX4450s. Finally a hardware platform that can make Vista hum. Now about those SQLServer back up time outs. I am not sure even a X4450 can swizzle away that issue. I am confident that I could eliminate some of the latencies we have encountered with certain blue chip search systems’ content processing sub systems with a rack of these X4450s stuffed with memory and upscale storage gizmos. The ceilings of 50 million documents would remain, but I would hit that ceiling more quickly I surmise.

Stephen Arnold, September 1, 2008


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