Brainware: Oracle Exec Joins Its Board

September 3, 2008

Poor Oracle. A Google partner, a roll up of unprecedented proportions, master of the aging Codd RDBMS, and proud owner of SES10g–what a résumé for a technology firm! Rumors about a search-related acquisition have been swirling around for a couple of years. Autonomy, one candidate that I assume Oracle has vetted, is too expensive. The smaller companies don’t have enough of a foot print to dent the squishy sands of enterprise search. Is a move afoot?

The reason I as is that yesterday, Brainware, Inc., a search and content processing vendor, announced that David Bonnette of Oracle has joined the Brainware Board of Directors. Mr. Bonnette is a vice president with responsibility for customer support and call center systems, among other Oracle goodies. You can read one version of the news release here.

Brainware has been growing rapidly on the strength of its content acquisition and litigation support systems and services. Other eDiscovery vendors have been chasing other markets. My hunch is that this appointment will pay a couple of dividends. First, Mr Bonnette can provide guidance for Brainware in the CRM market. In addition, his presence on the Board increases the profile of Brainware at One Oracle Way, formerly Sea World Drive or some similar aquatic place name.

Is Brainware looking for investors, marketing support, a buyer? Let me know if you have any insight. Brainware’s pattern matching is interesting, and it is a technology quite distinct from the databasey, semantic SES10g Oracle is now selling along with bits and pieces from Triple Hop. Thoughts?

Stephen Arnold, September 3, 2008


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