Autonomy: Not Idle

September 5, 2008

On September 4, 2008, news about another Autonomy search and content processing win circulated in between and around the Google Chrome chum. HBO, a unit of Time Warner, is a premium programming company. In Newton Minnow’s world, HBO would be a provider of waste for the “vast wasteland”. Autonomy nailed this account under the noses of the likes of Endeca, Google, Microsoft Fast ESP and dozens of other companies salivating for HBO money and a chance to meet those involved with “Rome,” “The Sopranos”, and the funero-lark “Six Feet Under.” Too bad for the US vendors. HBO visted the River Cam and found search goodness. Brief stories are appearing at here and here. When I checked Autonomy’s Web site, the company’s news release had not been posted, but it will appear shortly. Chatter about Autonomy has picked up in the last few weeks. Sources throwing bread crumbs to the addled goose suggest that Autonomy has another mega deal to announce in the next week or two. On top of that, Autonomy itself is making some moves to bolster its technology. When the addled goose gets some kernels of information, he will indeed pass them on.

In response to the Autonomy “summer of sales”, its competitors are  cranking up their marketing machines. Vivisimo is engaging in a Webinar which you can read about here. Other vendors are polishing new white papers. One vendor is ramping up a telemarketing campaign. Google, as everyone knows, is cranking the volume on its marketing and PR machine. The fact of the matter is that Autonomy has demonstrated an almost uncanny ability to find opportunities and close deals as other vendors talk about making sales. Will an outfit step forward and buy Autonomy. SAP hints that it has an appetite for larger acquisitions. Will Oracle take steps to address its search needs? Will a group of investors conclude that Autonomy might be worth more split into a search company, a fraud detection company, and an eDiscovery company? Autonomy is giving me quite a bit to consider. What’s your take on the rumors? Send the addled goose a handful of corn via the Comments function on this Web log.

Stephen Arnold, September 5, 2008


2 Responses to “Autonomy: Not Idle”

  1. Solr 1.3 Release Candidate 2 on September 5th, 2008 1:57 am

    […] Not Idle (Beyond Search) Share and […]

  2. Stephen E. Arnold on September 5th, 2008 6:56 am

    Soir 1.3

    You have baffled me, which is pretty easy. I am an addled goose.

    Stephen Arnold, September 5, 2008

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