Minimsft: A Biting Comment

October 4, 2008

A happy quack to the reader who sent me a link to the Minimsft Web log post for September 25, 2006. You can read the full write up here. Minimsft is allegedly a Microsoft employee who writes about the company. The editorial angle is that Microsoft should be a more lean and mean innovation machine. The hook on which the write up hangs is a change at Microsoft regarding executive compensation. The modification, filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission makes a provision for cash payouts for certain executives. Here’s the comment that I found revelatory, if it is accurate:

Microsoft is dying from the inside, and the folks sucking it dry have zero motivation to change things. It’s working out pretty damn well for them.

Microsoft’s recent decisions about search seem to be a move in the right direction. If these shifts are window dressing, the likelihood of Microsoft closing the gap between it and the GOOG is sharply reduced. Thoughts?

Stephen Arnold, October 4, 2008


One Response to “Minimsft: A Biting Comment”

  1. sperky undernet on October 4th, 2008 4:42 pm

    From the outside looking in, Microsoft seems to continue building up R&D search
    centers, see “Microsoft ups European R&D investment: New search technology centres in London, Paris and Munich”
    or According to this article, this is on top of “2,000 Europe-based researchers and engineers, and … more than 40 R&D and Microsoft Innovation Centres” they already had. Do you suppose they use SharePoint to collaborate? While the guys on top just share the loot. I guess thats the point.

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