SAP and Financial Pressure: Complexity Has Its Price

October 10, 2008

Reuters distributed “SAP Imposes Cost Savings as Financial Crisis Looms” on October 9, 2008. SAP provides company-wide infrastructure software to run accounting, manufacturing, and other back office operations. The company has its own NetWeaver search engine called TREX and the company’s venture arm pumped $4.0 million into Endeca earlier this year. Until that investment, I mostly checked on enhancements to TREX, which have been slow in coming in comparison to other enterprise content processing vendors’ upgrades. The core of the Reuters story which was at this link at 6 40 pm on October 9, 2008, is that the SAP board of directors wants cost savings. Among the changes are stops on new hires and changes in business travel. I haven’t seen much information about new deals for TREX or for Endeca SAP installations in the last few months. I am going to try and chase down some information about the TREX search system sales. I don’t have enough information to make a comment about SAP R&D spending, upgrades to TREX, or the Endeca deal.

Stephen Arnold, October 10, 2008


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