Microsoft Prepares for War

October 15, 2008

Update October 15, 2008. MarketWatch points out that the Google threat is to make Microsoft irrelevant. Yoiu can read the analysis here.

Original Story

I am waiting for my flight to London, the world’s most annoying city. You probably love the place. Not me. Dirty, expensive, difficult to navigate, and equipped with lousy food. Samuel Johnson was wrong because he had never visited rural Kentucky.

I cruised the new headlines in my newsreader and I spotted this Bloomberg article, “Microsoft Exec Ready to Battle Google, Others.” You can read the full text here.

The hook for the story is that Google keeps making purring sounds in the enterprise. Some enterprise procurement officers are lulled enough to license Google’s products and services.

Microsoft, appropriately annoyed, is going to take action with Kevin Turner a young Microsoft superstar. For me, the most interesting line in the write up was this quote attributed to Mr. Turner. He was, I believe, commenting about Google and other competitors. He allegedly said:

They’re all trying to take food off of our plate.

I enjoyed this article but part of its halo is the thought it evoked that Microsoft has been fighting Google for a number of years. So far, Google keeps on winning skirmishes and in its incremental approach to wrap Microsoft inside a larger Google play.

I love these insights. What about you? Help me learn about these enterprise fire fights.

Stephen Arnold, October 15, 2008


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