Beyond Search: New Acronym BS

October 16, 2008

A clever reader stopped me in the reception area of the Novotel Hotel in the gentrified section of Hammersmith and said, “You do the BS Web log, don’t you? I love the name.” I must admit that I named this Web log to promote my April 2008 study Beyond Search, published by the Gilbane Group. The Web log is approaching 1,000 posts and now has thousands of readers each day. Amazing!

I like the BS acronym so much that I will instruct Tess and the other crack analysts for Beyond Search to use the acronym BS whenever they feel it appropriate. With the addition of BS to our arsenal of goose droppings and inputs from deaf boxers, “BS” adds another weapon in our effort to explain what’s happening and what’s not in search, content processing, and information access. If we participate in a trade show, I have several ideas for booth swag.

Now some readers will assert that this Beyond Search Web log has been BS from its inception. I assure you that is not true. However, from this day forth, you will find BS a key ingredient in this Web log’s positioning. Consider yourself alerted. You are reading the real BS, but not the BS generated by some analysts. Our BS is working to improve.

Some examples of what we hope to achieve: Gartner on the IT economy here and the Kelsey Group on its October 6, 2008, buy out here. Agree or disagree on the value of “objective analysis” about information in its many flavors? Share your wisdom.

Stephen Arnold, October 16, 2008


3 Responses to “Beyond Search: New Acronym BS”

  1. - the one-stop pulse for all Deaf-related news and blogs. on October 16th, 2008 2:29 am

    […] […]

  2. Stephen E. Arnold on October 16th, 2008 10:38 am

    I don’t understand your comment. I’m an addled goose writing BS. What are you up to?

    Stephen Arnold, October 16, 2008

  3. Jess Bratcher on October 17th, 2008 7:53 am

    *chuckle* I’ll remember to do that.

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