Google: Building Its Knowledge Base a Book at a Time

October 16, 2008

Google does not seem to want to create a Kindle or Sony eBook. “For what does the firm want to scan and index books?” I ask myself. My research suggests that Google is adding to its knowledge base. Books have information, and Google finds that information useful for its various processes. Google’s book search and its sale of books are important, but if my information are correct, Google is getting brain food for its smart software. The company has deals in place that increase the number of publishers participating in its book project. Reuters’ “Google Doubles Book Scan Publisher Partners” provides a run down on how many books Google processes and the number of publishers now participating. The numbers are somewhat fuzzy, but you can read the full text of the story here and judge for yourself. Google’s been involved in legal hassles over its book project for several years. The fifth anniversary of these legal squabbles will be fast upon us. Nary a word in the Reuters story about Google’s knowledge base. Once again the addled goose is the only bird circling this angle. What do you think Google’s doing with a million or more books in 100 languages? Let me know.

Stephen Arnold, October 16, 2008


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